
Wednesday 30 November 2016

Camp Blog - Task 0:CAMP REFLECTION: Cabin Night - Huriata Reflection

My Highlights! Cabin Night

It was during fiafia night that I had had a good night, I did not really have a good night, no, not at fiafia night. It was actually after the ceremony when we went back to our cabins to rest. If you'd would've known or been there 'Faith' a friend of mine that was in our cabin had performed more than two times that night. It was whilst being there that Faith had wanted to perform a song called 'One step at a time' though she wanted to do a duet, with me. I didn't feel like it, well, that and if I didn't want to do it I would've ruined her performance. So no! She did sing the song but  when back in the cabins she felt so down... really down. She had wanted nobody to sing or say sing (Which, ah... NO! Because that was her own fault for making herself feel like that)  She had eventually given up and our cabin were annoyed at her. We helped her out and sang with her. It was a magical, musical night as we sang songs and the whole cabin had a good night after learning about each other and being able to create a stronger bond(Other than the cabin next to us).

That was my highlight. I learnt that I am very supportive, forgiving and loud, I like making new friends but I also like making the right friends. The thing that I was surprised about me was how comfortable I was being with the girls in my cabin. We showed team at camp by being somewhat/ being involved. Well, we showed 'participating and contributing' by being involved in the activities we did. And for 'Relating to others' it was obvious everyone was very independent but tried to work together in there own way. Some skills I think I need to improve on is being more involved and share idea's, the relating to others is probably being able to coop and decide my own (something) that everyone agrees on!


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