
Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rocket Reading

Bottles into Rockets.

Hi Michelangelo,

Here are some questions to help with your planning.
Use the sheet of A3 to make your plan.
Put all your names on it.
Take a photo of your plan and put it into your reading folder.

  1. What materials will we need? Make a list.
    A Bottle
           A Pump
           A wide plastic hose
           A rubber cork

  • Where can we get these materials from? Make a list of possible options.


  1. Can we get a foot pump? From who? Home
  1. Will we need help making the rockets? Yes

  1. When can we make these? In class time? Not really (ask teacher) Maybe at home.

  1. Where can we let these rockets off safely? In field, somewhere less populated, at home.


Wednesday 3 June 2015

Aboriginal Dreamtime

By Huriata & Kalo

Thanks (Peace Out)