WALT Use simple coordinates to show position and movement. I have been writing some simple questions so that you could maybe understand how to read this map. Write how you could get to the Treasure X using the simple example somewhere in my blog. Please give feedforward and feedback.
Use simple coordinates to show position and movement. I will guide you to treasure X B3, just follow my intrustructions as I lead the way. -Start F1 -South F2 -South F3 -West E3 through Brother Tree Top -SW to D2, Invesible Axoid Pond
-West C2
-West B2, Negative Cave of Doom
-And B3 to Treasure X.
Thanks for Seeing and Learning how skilled I am at maths.
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WALTcare for books.
I've been writing adout how these four boys who knows how to look after the books in our school library.
These are our role models in the library.
Thank you for reading please give feedforward and feedback.
WALT: Use place value to solve 2 digit multiplication problems.
I have been solving Multiplication problems by flollowing the step through step routine. Thanks for seeing how skilled I am at maths, please give feedforward and feedback.
WALT identify quadrilaterals
A quadrilaral is a 2D shape with 4 sides.
I have made this drawing with the recent shapes that you use on your creative work.
Thank you for reading please give feedforward and feedback