Dear serenity,
Im not really fine right now cause theres a hurricane going around me so I won’t be writing alot of letters.My ears are goin to blow and Im behind a huge boulder writing this letter to you so I might be blown to bit’s.It smells like gas and gun powder and Im a little scared but still all right,only my shoulder got shot but its nothing serious.Wow I nearly got blown up,I’ve preyed so many nights so that I cant die at my age.I see alot of lights and smoke and it just began to rain and the fires are going out.I really love and miss you my darling star.I cant wait to come back only if I servive through this battle.Im writting this letter to you now cause its been two days in this war and because my ammo ran out.But I still have some bombs to take over.My heart is throbing and Its really hot fighting htrough this for over two days but if I was home It would be the same.Love you miss you.
Your loving father nicholas.